God Doesn’t Waste Tears

I just finished having a good old fashioned cry. I spent most of my adult life pushing down the pain and holding back my tears so that I could make everyone, including myself, believe that my life was beautiful, when in reality it was painful, confusing, and scary. Now that…

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The Arm of the Spirit

  The arm of the flesh is a physical manifestation of the presence of evil in the world. There have always been men who rebel against me and do not submit to my authority in their lives. Men who wield the arm of the flesh to oppress my beloved daughters.…

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An Appointed Time

Jennifer Faith gives a hang ten from her surfboard to encourage battered women of all faiths

I want to tell you about an experience I just had – one I am still recovering from.  I’ll bet that if you are reading this you will relate. My abuser is still at large.  He never spent time in jail.  He has never been convicted of abuse.  I tried…

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